Fulfilling our aspirations

In the Commonwealth, member countries, whether industrialized or developing, need one another. We are a diverse family with a common history and values. My vision is to reposition our organization for all members, especially developing countries.

Together, we can achieve climate resilience, promote economic transformation through increased trade and investment, and leverage technology to create opportunities for our youth. We can also promote good governance to build resilient and thriving societies, and resource our organisation better.

As your Secretary-General, I will use my well-known passion for accountable governance, and my extensive experience working with global leaders on interventions involving diplomacy, trade, youth, gender and democracy, to reposition the Commonwealth, fulfil our aspirations, and improve the lives of our people.

Honourable Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Ghana

Vision Statement - Shirley Botchwey for Commonwealth Secretary-General 2024

Commonwealth values are the ethos and strength of our family of nations. Together, we will work to create resilience and build on our common traditions, strengths and comparative advantages.

President of Ghana’s Message

I have strong confidence in Foreign Minister Botchwey to lead our aspiration for renewal and for building future-looking resilient and thriving economies, through Community cooperation and action, as underscored at Kigali, Rwanda, during the 26th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

Her background as a political leader with both private sector and governance experience, including at high level positions in foreign affairs, trade and industry, communication as well as being a member of Ghana’s National Security Council and, in recent years, as the chair of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers during the most challenging two years of terrorist activity, military coups and the most far-reaching reforms of ECOWAS, makes her eminently fit to take on the challenges we face as a community and to seize the opportunities for transformation.

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo
President of the Republic of Ghana

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana

Securing shared prosperity

As Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, I will harness opportunities for transformation, develop future-looking resilient and thriving economies, realize and sustain the democratic dividend, and enhance our global voice. Learn more about my vision of repositioning our member countries below.

Trade and Investment

An inclusive framework to guarantee market expansion and economic security across member countries.

Youth, Education and Skills

Leveraging advances in technology, innovations in automation, AI and social media for advanced learning.

Innovation and Start Ups

Closing the digital gap in health, education, finance and trade across the Commonwealth and beyond.

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About The Commonwealth - Shirley Botchwey for Commonwealth Secretary-General 2024

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CHOGM Samoa 2024 logo - Shirley Botchwey for Commonwealth Secretary-General 2024

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2024

More about CHOGM

Shirley Botchwey for Commonwealth Secretary-General 2024

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